And the winner is...

...Kathryn W. !!


I'm so impressed with everyone's hard work & must say that this was a nail-biting conclusion!  There were multiple students who were only one point away from tying for first!  That shows such a level of commitment and hard work!  I will be giving a small prize to those handful of students who got 75 or more points.

Break down of points:

10 pts per week for listening questions

5 pts per week for practice logging

x 5 weeks =

75 possible points

+ 5 potential bonus points

Please let me know if you have any questions & here's a fun photo of Henrietta & my student Maitri G. from her lesson last week:


Enjoy a week off of listening, but feel free to share songs or pieces with me that you love!

p.s. If you're curious what I did last weekend, here's a clue:


Musically Yours,

Miss Liz & Henrietta the Cat

Elizabeth KohlComment